Friday, 24 October 2014

Cut pot

An experiment in using porcelain wedged with iron filings. Wanted a bit of sparkle, or some impact of the colour of iron. 
None of this happened. Handbuilt form. Cut into vertically to create sort of gills. Glazed inside with Egyptian blue and outside with matting blue. Was a bit thick - didn't highlight all the cuts as much as cover them. The iron filings may have helped further flux the glaze causing it to run down more. 

Porcelain frilled pot

Porcelain handbuilt body, fine black clay frills added from the lip. Body glazed with matt white. Inside Egyptian blue. One side of each grill painted with shiny green. Nothing remains of the shiny green but some interesting white markings dapple gorge black clay frills. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Unconscious Landscapes series

Unconscious Lanscapes series in terracotta and porcelain started in spring 2014.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Snake pots

Two stoneware pots with wavy details. Glazed with Egyptian blue thickly on the inside, matt white poured over the outside